Children & Young People
We have a number of activities for children and young people here at St Guthlac's.
Messy Church
Messy Church involves creativity, celebration, and hospitality. It is for all ages, though often children engage well and enjoy it. It is a fun time with crafts and games to explore a Biblical theme through getting messy, as well as hearing a story and sharing a prayer, song, and meal together. Our monthly Messy Church will be meeting on the third Saturday of the month, 2:30-4:30pm, in the Green School
Sunday Club
Our Sunday Club group offers fun activities and crafts, as we to share Christian teachings with enthusiasm and friendship.
The group meets weekly during school terms in the Green School at 9.45am, apart from the 1st Sunday of the month. Following their activities, the children join the rest of the congregation in Church for the final part of the 10am Sunday Service.
On the 1st Sunday of the month, the children join the rest of the congregation for an interactive All Age Service.
Events during the year
We also hold a craft workshop every Good Friday and other events throughout the year for families such as parties, picnics and trips (recently we enjoyed going tobogganing, to the pantomime and a forest school session). The children also take part in presentations in church services throughout the year and other events too. Anyone is welcome and we hope to see you soon.
To find out more about our activities for children and young people, please contact our Children’s and Youth Worker.