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Welland Local Mission Partnership

As part of the Diocese of Lincoln’s ‘Time to Change Together’ initiative, we have created a Local Mission Partnership with our friends in neighbouring parishes. St. Guthlac’s Church is part of the Welland Local Mission Partnership, where we work together with other local Parishes. The Welland Group also includes Deeping St James, Deeping St Nicholas, Crowland and the Ness Group (Thurlby, Langtoft, and Baston). We are committed to the flourishing of each church in their own way across the group. We regularly pray for one another and support one another in various ways. We encourage you to attend events, services or study groups at any of the churches in the group, as an extension of the parish you live in or the church you attend most regularly.

A list of the church's websites 

- Deeping St James

- Deeping St Nicholas

- Crowland

- The Ness Group

A Prayer for the Welland Local Mission Partnership

Loving God, we pray for the Welland Local Mission Partnership; for all those who worship and minister in its churches and for the communities we seek to serve in your name. We give thanks for those who have cherished the buildings, nurtured the people and sustained the life of your church through prayer. Give us wisdom and courage to follow their example, holding fast to faith in Christ while being open to the guidance of your Spirit, as we seek to further your kingdom in this place. May we share our resources graciously and generously while supporting one another in love and friendship. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen